The Effective Approach to Fitness |
If you are fitness-minded, he is likely to read magazines or watch infomercials and follow the latest trends. Well, some trends are good and others are just a waste of time and money. However, the maximum results with minimal time and cost is what most of us are seeking.
If you are new to weight training or improving physical fitness, having a personal trainer is always a good place to start. It will show you the ropes, will give a program for success, and make sure you know how and why he does things.
But be careful and do some research on the skills and philosophy of the coach can be hired. While there are certainly great advantages to the use of personal trainers, one is no guarantee of success. Some are not on the latest studies and methods, based on the same as ever. But a good coach will use circuit training and cross training for maximum results. It's like that.
How to Maximize
Many trainers and fitness enthusiasts can lift heavier weights and then they took breaks between sets. The theory is that the higher the weight, the more muscle mass is developed. And the rest, more repair was produced in muscle tissue, allowing you to lift more in the coming games. These repetitions and additional series are supposed to help burn more calories. It sounds good.
The problem is that this old school training the weight method does not contribute to cardiovascular health. There is little benefit to the lungs and the power of the heart. So now you have to run the treadmill for these results. And this loss of time. And time is money, especially when a coach is paid!
Quality personal trainers will implement cutting methods combining cardio, strength and flexibility in individual sessions advanced, keeping your heart rate at an optimum level. I recommend using a heart rate monitor during the entire session, even if lifting weights. Why?
Because the best way to maximize the time, energy and results is to work the muscles, heart rate and lung capacity while. This way you are not only stand for a few minutes to another representative of a set of weights. Instead, it is your personal heart rate that dictates where and when to stand again is. And time change when you change the level of fitness.
The objective of the training is to provide individual muscles a chance to rest while a high heart rate is maintained. It is off when your heart rate reaches 160 and then again when your heart rate is reduced to 130. (This varies among individuals, but a good rule of thumb). This way, your heart pumps more blood, more calories are burned by the intensity, strength and develop lean muscles.
A streamlined approach
When the formation of a client, go in the heat for 10 minutes on the elliptical or elliptical stair master. To maximize the time (to save money and make the most of every minute), I will examine your personal daily nutrition with them during this period. Diet, food combining and how to streamline your eating habits to better results is discussed.
Then they ran for 45 minutes. To maximize results by controlling the time I log on to a machine and a manual exercise such as leg presses and bicep curls with dumbbells. This method allows to stay by the machine and not "lose" when the gym is tight.
Usually, customers have to do three sets of each exercise and then move on to something else, like abdominal and shoulder presses or leg curls and triceps extensions. Thus, a muscle rests while the other works. More importantly, the only thing that remains constant throughout the year "switch" is the heart rate of the customer!
The workout is 55 minutes. With a high heart rate during this time period through resistance training, cardiovascular benefit you receive, strength, muscular endurance, toning and sculpting. It is also the biggest bang for your buck for anyone to pay $ 65 or more per hour than a coach.
The last 15 minutes of the session focuses on fresh while stretching. Keep lean and flexible muscles is a very important part of health and well-being that is often overlooked. It should not be.
Business Teams
Personal training is often the case in the gym or at home. And in general, weights give better results than the use of exercise machines. In fact, weight machines are for beginners or those who are too weak to use something else.
They are like training wheels and guide and maintain the correct position without fear of weight that falls on you. But the weight not only increase muscle strength which is "worked" also train other muscles used to stabilize the weight while increasing balance and overall coordination of the entire body. Free weights maximize the time, effort and results.
For home fitness, balls and popular fitness bands can be used. The balls are perfect to strengthen the core muscles, including abs, obliques, lower back and hips. The bands are good for the chest, back and arms.
Although these resistance bands are great for women in general does not provide sufficient strength to men. Free weights are the best options for men. For women, a small investment in training balls and bands at home can make huge profits.
Cross training is the key
Apart from circuit training, cross training is essential for overall fitness. In general, I advise clients not to make the same type of exercise two days in a row, and always mix things up.I suggest things like weight and body strength to weight training one day, biking or running the next day and Bikram hot yoga or Pilates on another day. The idea is to keep the body guessing placing primary stress on different muscles in different ways every day of training.
These different strains and the requirements put different emphasis on the heart, lungs and muscle fibers, such as yoga isometric training is different from the amplitude of the weight movement or martial arts training lifting.
Ultimately, the goal of any fitness program is to maximize the effort and results, keeping a lid on time and money. The way is through the use of a heart rate monitor, no rest between sets, through circuit training and mix things up with cross-training.
Good luck
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